66 assorted bagels in a clean bag- still soft and yummy!

computer monitors at a computer salvage business.  They said we could take anything in the dumpster, and even helped load the car.
    5- 17" sony IBM compatable SVGA monitors (working)
    2 - 16" sony fixed frequency monitors (working)
    1 - 17" sony fixed frequency monitor (working)
    1 - 20" sony fixed frequency monitor (working)
    1 - 13" IBM vga monitor (working)
    1 - printer sharing box
    1 - fiche card reader (needs lamp)
    1 - projector zoom lens
    1- portable fiche reader (works)

Office supply store
    6 foot long folding table.  Only 1 bracket loose, which can easily be fixed.  Great for the next rummage sale!
    3 - computer repair kits
    1 - full bottle of elmers glue
    10 sheets of transparency paper
    2 small bookcases- still in the boxes
    several plastic index card files, card holders, "in & out" trays
    3 new shirts
    cyrstal angel- although I have to do head replacement surgery
    plastic oscillating fan that can be fixed
    glass vase- perfect shape
    1 perfect screwdriver
    2 large corner desk that can be merged into 1 complete desk

new mop handles
small basket for shopping
baby sleeper- may need repair
3 ft. Disney character cutouts from display- your basic prince with shiny sword and helpless princess with pig
box of new eyeglass cases
more bagels!
2 lovely potatoes
200lbs of cat litter
small animal cage
(3) retractable dog leashes
large folding dog pin
case of canned dog food
cat toys
(3) 3-hole paper punches
More cat litter
Bird toys
$100 worth of nutri-berries (bird treats)
small pet porter
100lbs dog food (science diet/purina)
100lbs cat food (science diet/purina)
Dog grooming kit
12 bottles of dishwashing soap
8 cans of cleanser
Nice Bird feeder
3 nice mops
Various plants
Various fruits and vegetables- let them eat mushrooms!!
Nice wood swivel chair
Like new overstuffed living room chair with ottoman with 2 matching pillows (name brand)
41 cans of soda pop
hanging bird bath- terra cota
6 doggie toys
240 individually wrapped chocolate chip cookies
Oodles of books (seems the library just dumps without even looking at books that were donated)
2 Sports jackets
More office supplies than you can shake a stick at (very hot item at our last garage sale)
Baby tennis shoes
more puppy food (good thing we got a new puppy. The puppy is from a breeder, not out of a dumpster)
more cat litter- we will no doubt never have to buy pet supplies again.
JVC VHS hi-fi  vrc

computer pinball game
15 in. computer monitor
(3) 14 in. computer monitors
1- microsoft Intelamouse
35 still in shrinkwrap copies of WindowsNT workstation 4.0 (resold $800)
3 Micron pentium 120 computers working 64meg ram each (resold $900)
2 complete copies microsoft excel (resold $25)
adobe photoshop 3.0 (resold $50)
8 copies microsoft office pro 4.3 cdrom (resold $20)
3 copies microsoft office pro 4.3 3-1/2" floppy version (resold$20)
15" viewsonic monitor (resold $25)
20" sony multisync monitor
MAG 17" monitor (resold $50)
4 Macintosh LCIII's with ethernet cards (resold $50)
2 Macintosh LC's
1 Macintosh Classic (whoopie!)
1 Macintosh PowerPC 6100/80 (24meg ram ans 1.2g HD) (resold $100)
4 Macintosh monitors
1 Macintosh IIci (resold $50)
lots of Mac cables, keyboards, mice
(mac's all work and were complete with hard drives and software)
20" Sony monitor (MSRP $1600) didn't work but is still within the warranty period sitting on my desk now
17" Micron monitor broken (but easily fixed) (resold $50)
Compaq Presario 4528 (233mhz MMX pentium, 64-meg ram 24x cdrom 3gig hd) working (resold $200)
2 X-terminals w/16" monitors, keyboards and mice
200mhz pentium MMX computer w/850 meg hd and 32-meg ram working (resold $200)
90mhz pentium compaq w/1gig hd and 32-meg ram working except for floppy drive (resold $100)
15" compaq monitor -working (resold $25)
100-mhz pentium w/120-meg ram  (resold $25)
3-toshiba t1960ct laptops 20-meg ram working (resold $150)
2-toshiba t1960ct laptops 20 meg ram works only with battery (resold $50)
5-T1960ct laptops for parts
3dfx voodoo 2 12meg ram pci video card
Yet another MAG 17" monitor (these are sooo easy to fix) (resold $50)
15"  compaq v50 Monitor (resold $50)
3 keyboards
scanner feeder thingie- I'm not sure what it is, but it is big!
Acer Laptop
400mhz amd cpu w/motherboard and 128meg ram
2-gig harddrive
4 cdrom drives
10 sound cards
512meg hard drive
5 ethernet cards
5 modems
17" Gateway monitor
17" CTX monitor
17" Proton monitor
300mhz generic computer (resold $300)
400mhz Compaq Presario (resold $300)
350mhz IBM Aptiva ($300)
200mhz PentiumPro Gateway2000 (resold $200)
300mhz motherboard w/cpu
Yes they all  work
4 17"-MAG monitors (resold $200)
4 ATI AGP video cards
2 HP laserjet II printers (working)
Canon BJC70 color printer
Epson stylus 800 printer
5- various AGP 3d graphics cards
4- 17" MAG monitors
Epson color stylus 600 with new spare color cart.
2 Sun Sparcstation5's (resold $160)
1 Sun Spacstation10 (resold $85)
1 19"hp monitor pc compatable (Resold $100)
1 20" sun monitor
hp ux software
Sun java software (resold $10)
7 disk ethernet tower
1 working toshiba 486 laptop (resold $40)
1 working toshiba 486 laptop
2 non working toshiba laptops
1 nonworking nec pentium 100 laptop
12 hp injet carts (resold $50)
IBM aix software (resold $150)
2 joysticks with hat
1 ch flightstick
2 486 cpus
1 pent 100 cpus
Microsoft picture it 99
17" Apple multimedia monitor
19" svga monitor (broken)

And so much more that I can't even remember.... Maybe I'll find some Ginkoba for my memory one of these days.

BONANZA!!- Apparently someone moved out of their apartment, and left gobs of good stuff! See what we grabbed:
Beautiful bedspread
sleeping bag
Big pot with plant-  Notice: I did not say big pot plant.
sword- every home needs one.
marshall arts uniform
complete and working 486 computer
basket with sea shells
tennis shoes that fit hubby
wooden chair
fish bowl with rocks
floor mat
duffle bag
wind chime

Great computer chair- my butt's sitting in it right now!

The University in town (which shall remain nameless) is beginning classes.  Many people are vacating their apartments.  The dumpsters are virtually overflowing, and we dumpster divers are having a field day!  To date we have carted home about 5 carloads of stuff- lamps, kitchen ware, perfect clothes,  canned and other edible foods, computers,  CDs ( we will sell them to a CD exchange store), etc, etc.  And most of it will stock our rummage sale this week-end.  It's been great.  There are many divers working the area, and there is plenty of stuff for everyone. Update: Had a rummage sale with all of this stuff and made over $400!!

Diet food BONANZA!-  Cans of soup, dried soup, snacks,  pasta mix, must be at least 50 cinnamon-raisan bars (Hubby thinks they're icky)- total of almost 4 boxes of slightly outdated stuff.  Guess I'll be going on a diet without trying.
60 unopened cans of Planter's Peanuts, plain and honey roasted.  At the store they run about $2.75 per can.  That's about $175.00.  Peanuts for everybody; our parrots, the neighborhood squirrels, and the hubby. I can't stand peanuts.

Garage sale finds:

Sony Camcorder $35 (resold for $240)
Canon EOS rebel $15 (resold for $230)
HP deskjet 560c- free (resold for $20)
60mm spotting scope with 5 lens, case, tripod $20 (resold for $134.41)
Canon BJ100 $5
OM mount 2x teleconvertor $0.25
T-mount zoom lens $2
(3) okidata 320 printers $5-ea (resold $25-ea)
ADS 570i speakers walnut cabinets $20/pair
HP laserjet II $5 - works
Nikon PB5/PS5 slide duplicator $1 (resold $160)
Minolta xe7 $10 (resold $120)