John R. Pryor was married May the 24 1858
Malissa C. Pryor married January the 3th 1860
Prudence R. Pryor was married September the 26th 1861
John R. Pryor is 16 years old (illegible)
John Randolph Pryor was born in the year of 1834 october the 11 day
Nancy Elizabeth was bornd the first day of November (the first day)
of the year 1851 AD
Aderline was born the November the 15th day in the 1853
Mary S Burnett was borned the 3 day of June 1856
Iziah A. Burnett was bornd March the 22 1858
Sarh Ann Pruett was born March the 1 day the of our lord 1853
Benjimin P. Burnett was Bornd in April the 3 1860
Willis P Pilgrim was borned January the 21 1861
Robert L. Hamilton was borned December 7, 1933
Donna Lea Hamilton born September 28, 1935
Jack Allen Hamilton born April 7, 1949
Thomas Pryor departed this life April the 27 1848
Aderlade Pryor departed this life January. 2. 1855
Malissa C. Pilgrim departed this life January 29th 1861 aged 20 years
one month 17 days
Harriet A. Pryor departed this life January 21th 1862
Nancy G. Pryor departed this life January the 30th 1866
This list of names is also in the Bible.
Vandalia, Ills. 6-12. 1938
George Allen Pryor
Elisabeth Susan Pryor
Mary Ann Pryor
William Travese Pryor
Julia Franklin Pryor
Nancy America Pryor
Sally Wadkins Pryor
James ---- Pryor
Thomas Washington Pryor
Permelia Cloud Pryor
John Randolph Pryor
Jane Elvina Pryor
Prudence Rivers Pryor
Jackson Lafayette Pryor
Melissa Kuma (or Kurna) Pryor
Emeline Elvira Pryor